A logical cube game for usefull time-killing.

Right Angle Game

Be on the side of the right angel 📐

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  • The cube can be moved in four directions: forward, backward, left and right.
  • The game ends if the cube falls off the board.
  • The game ends if the bottom face of the cube and the color of the base block below it do not match. This does not apply to gray blocks.

Tips for players

Match gray colors on the way with the gray face of the cube.
Match gray colors on the way with the gray face of the cube.
If a gray color is on the way, then it is recommended to match it with the gray color of the cube, otherwise, the progress forward may be incorrect. Given that the gray area allows any colors of the cube, it can be used to temporarily check the color of the cube face on the other side which is not visible at the moment.
Keep in mind the color of the top face of the cube while moving forward.
You don't have to memorize all colors, if you are moving forward you can always guess the color on the hidden side based on the previous colors.
Just go!
Just go!
If you hit a dead end, go back and try another path. There is always at least one correct way. If there is nowhere to move next, return and try another path or another branch. Remember that the path never crosses itself. Choose the color carefully at the start, success depends on it.
Go back a few steps if you are not sure about the next color.
Returns are much easier. So use those opportunities to check the color.
Learn simple patterns to orient the cube on the start platform.
Learn simple patterns to orient the cube on the start platform.
It is recommended to choose a color at the very beginning and orient the cube to the correct position. For example, the pattern as in the animation helps to switch red and orange in order to set the next color (red) after the first color (white), if it doesn't work, then probably the chosen path is wrong. The first color is easy to orient if you shift it to the second line of the platform.
Keep going!
“Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart.
Find dead-ends on the map before starting.
Find dead-ends on the map before starting.
The start is important so check the map for paths that lead to dead ends at the very beginning.


Right Angle is a single-player puzzle game that involves manipulating a 3D cube-shaped object to solve a level. The challenge for players is to match the right color of the cube with a color along the way.

The game can offer a range of benefits for players. Here are some of the potential benefits of this puzzle:

  • Improved problem-solving skills: it requires you to think creatively and use logical reasoning to solve the puzzle, which can help to improve your problem-solving abilities.
  • Increased focus and concentration: the puzzle can be challenging and require a high level of concentration to solve, which can help to improve focus and attention skills.
  • Enhanced spatial awareness: Manipulating the cube in 3D space can help to improve spatial awareness and visualization skills.
  • Boosted memory: Remembering the faces of the cube, the algorithms and patterns required to solve the puzzle can help to improve memory skills.
  • Reduced stress and anxiety: Engaging in a challenging yet enjoyable activity like solving can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

The game is avaliable to play online in the browser, on android, and on iOS devices.

Minimal supported browsers: Chrome - 112.0.5615.137, Firefox - 112.0.1, Safari - 16.4.1, Edge - 110.0.1587.78

The game is inspired by the Rubik's Cube, which was invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Erno Rubik. The Rubik's Cube is made up of a 3x3x3 grid of smaller cubes, each of which can be rotated around its axis to create a scrambled configuration.

The objective of the Rubik's Cube (and many other cube games) is to manipulate the cube so that all of its sides display a single color. However, achieving this goal can be quite challenging, as rotating one side of the cube can cause multiple other sides to shift as well.

This game uses Godot Engine. It is a free, all-in-one, cross-platform game engine that makes it easy to create 2D and 3D games.